Responsive Design for Web site

2013 is a new year and just how many people got an I-pad or mobile device for their holiday present. I tell you it seems that everyone I talk to tells me about how they got one or more new mobile devices. It really drive the conversation of responsive design to new...

Western Material and Design

I have finished setting Western Material and Design’s website so it is responsive to mobile devices. Take a look at this site on your devices and phones. It sizes nicely and easily for reading and menu selections.

Two Logo Life Cycles

New Logo or Brand The first step is I took a pencil sketch from the client and created the following logo. Now don’t worry, if you do not have a sketch I love to brainstorm and create multiple sketches to give you options. Second step is I created this image in...

New WordPress Site

SubtleBodyWork Subtle Body Works website Claudia Elliott is a license therapist, who hired me to create her Business Brand and Website. I worked with her to create a unique logo, and I design a website centered around her business.

Process of Illustrations

Working with art medium, like pencil and paint are fun and I have started many of my illustrations with a free hand drawning first. From there I will take it and either scan it and then use adobe illustrator and my Wacom Techno Cintiq 21UX tablet to add it to my...